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Embarrassed By Milias?

We Can Help At The Art of Aesthetics in Berlin, Connecticut. 

They look like pimples but they're not.


While no one likes pimples, Okay, that's the good news and the bad news. they are, in many cases, easier to treat than milias


Milias are not acne but they can look acne. Milia develop when tiny skin flakes (or keratin)  become trapped in small pockets near the surface of the skin. Anyone can get them and they are hard to get rid of because you can't squeeze them out like a regular pimple.


There is no solid way of preventing milias but exfoliation is key!


Here at the Art of Aesthetics, we offer a special one-hour treatment for milias.  Our medical aestheticians will first lance your milias to squeeze out the cyst. Then, you will sit under our LED red light to help with inflammation. A one-hour treatment is $100 and you may require more than just one treatment. 


Most dermatologists won't treat milias because let's be honest, they have bigger fish to fry. If they do, you will most likely pay a lot more than what we charge.  We also recommend doing the HydraFacial, at least once a month, to help prevent milias by deeply exfoliating the skin. 




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